Friday, July 22, 2005

Santorum on the Daily Show

Apparently, Senator Rick Santorum will be on the Daily Show on Monday.

No, really.

Now, I am not going to predict that Jon Stewart will crack this nutball. I'm sure it will be funny or informative or frightening, all of which are valid, life-affirming reactions.

But this got me thinking that we are fortunate, in that there are no other George W. Bushes on the horizon. Bubble Boy is able to snow people with his "I'm not that bright, but I'm a godfearin' down-home good ole boy" act, while behind the scenes he stokes the fires under some heavily roasted nutjobs.

But the up-and-comers for front man of the Conserva-choir just don't have that same appeal. Frist? Santorum? Shine a little light on these fellas and they will either shrink before your eyes, or just ask to be mocked endlessly. Go ahead, fellas. Run for President. I'm rooting for you.


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