Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm talking about...et'ics

Hicks must leave OSU board, students say

Student leaders at Ohio State University kicked off the fall semester with an effort to boot Brian Hicks, Gov. Bob Taft’s former chief of staff, from the school’s board of trustees.

During the summer break, Mr. Hicks was convicted of state ethics violations and fined $1,000.


Steve Miller, the political science major who designed www.hicksmustgo.com, is a Republican from Los Angeles. Other GOP Ohio State students agree that Mr. Hicks should step down.

“I think that it makes sense for Mr. Hicks to vacate his position,” said Matt Kocsan, president of the College Republicans. “Personally, I think it might be better for the Republican party. He’s a pinata right now and you can’t hit a pinata if it’s not there.”

Not exactly an endorsement for morality and ethics in politics. Hell, these college Rat-fuckers , I mean Republicans, might be agitating for him to leave Ohio State so that he can move on to DC and become their own private Abramoff.

On the other hand, it is nice to think that members of a political party can actually criticize another member of their own party when that person has behaved badly. It's a nice, naive, thought.


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