Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Shallow Howie

The Judy War

I've been trying to figure out why the Judy Miller saga has become so all-consuming for so many people.


Then it hit me. It's the war, of course. We're re-fighting the war through this case.

Ah, Howie. I still read your column everyday, because it is a way for a lazy (and Lame) reader to get a sampling of coverage and opinion. I am frequently frustrated about how you balance that coverage, and how you fail to recognize the depth of some issues.

Like the passage above.

I mean, of course this is about the war. Where have you been?

It's also about a dishonest, above-the-law, unaccountable Executive office and Republican party. Or is that being too partisan?


He was a ball of energy, pumping out stories at a pace that would exhaust any two other reporters. He did everything fast—walking, talking, writing, interviewing, and reporting. “Howie already had a reputation for being a tenacious and hard-working investigative reporter,” recalls Kaufman, who followed Kurtz from the Record to the Star.

Slow down, Howie, and give things a little more thought.


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