Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's an explosion, a geyser, a volcano of adjectives in this inside-baseball story about the Dems selecting their man for Majority Leader.

...showdown...bitterly divided...strong-arm tactics...agressive intervention...baffled and angered many Democrats...misplaced loyalty...long-standing feud with Hoyer...a move that shocked even her staff...unabashedly pushing Murtha...congressman said he was stunned...dust-up...nasty sniping...long-simmering rivalry...collision course...a protracted and nasty race...held a grudge...

It's almost like this isn't a boring, of interest only to junkies, story. No, this is something far more epic, and clearly a sign that the Dems are in disarray.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

With all the excitement over the conservative Democratic takeover of Congress, let's not forget that the Executive branch and, by extension, the heads of all the government agencies are a bunch of partisan hacks who don't care about actually working for the people of this country.

Today's outrage:
FEMA homes were destroyed in storage
Hundreds of modular homes bought by FEMA for victims of last year's hurricanes were damaged beyond repair as they sat unused and, in many cases, unprotected from the elements, the agency said Tuesday.


Via TPMMuckraker.